The industrial lubricant distributor realized that their existing logistics provider was not complying fully with safety and environmental requirements. The provider was also reluctant to accommodate the customer’s desire for a bulk transfer facility in the area to reduce transportation costs and expand their service capabilities. The distributor approached WSI, who had a distribution center in the area.

WSI partnered with the distributor to set up a bulk transfer facility at their Dallas warehouse, which would allow the customer to buy the products in bulk and ship them by the truckload at significant savings. WSI would then pump the chemicals from the truck, transfer them to drums or totes, and maintain an inventory to fill the customer’s orders. “Having product on shelves allows them to respond more quickly to customers in the area. They were able to go after a whole new customer base,” observed WSI project manager Daniel Johnston.

During the ramp-up phase, WSI did a thorough job of preparing its facility and personnel to handle the products. “We needed to do everything we could to ensure compliance,” explained warehouse manager Billy Vance. “Our chemical review team was actively involved in the process.” WSI researched local codes and worked with their engineering group to build a containment berm around the dedicated loading dock. Heavy-duty compressors were brought in and the electrical system upgraded to handle them. WSI applied for the appropriate permits and participated in multiple inspections. HAZWOPER training was conducted at all levels of personnel, from customer service representatives to the facility manager. Summarized Vance, “The fire marshal was impressed that WSI was so proactive about making sure what we did was compliant. Most of the time, people just do it and then ask for their blessing afterwards.”

WSI’s flexibility, solutions orientation and attention to compliance have helped the customer grow their business in a key geographic region. What can WSI do for you? To learn more, give us a call at 920.831.3700 or email us.

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